
Quadripartite Regional Conference on social dialogue: Closing SOLID project south

The conference will bring together 100 representatives from social partners, the ILO, local authorities, and local communities from the target countries, along with other target groups from both shores of the Mediterranean, to review the results of the action and discuss future initiatives and joint actions as a community of practice. The activity will address the main challenges and perspectives of local authorities and their performance by leveraging existing best practices in the region.

Seminar on the results of the SOLID Exchange Visits

The EU-South exchange visits will conclude with a regional seminar facilitated by the social partners involved. The aim is to share the results and recommendations of the exchange program, focusing on lessons learned and best practices. The seminar will involve European social partners, their counterparts from the South Mediterranean region, exchange coaches, and supporting partners.

Multipartite Social Partners Meeting in Jordan

Under the auspices of the SOLiD II project and with the generous support of the European Commission, the Arab Trade Union Confederation (ATUC), in collaboration with BUSINESSMED and ANND, recently convened a multilateral meeting in Amman, Jordan. The event, which unfolded on the 16th and 17th of May 2023, focused on the theme of “Integrating the Charter on Promoting Social Dialogue in National Plans Established in Targeted Countries.” The primary aim was to deliberate on recommendations and proposals put forth by social partners concerning various aspects of the project charter.